domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014


Hello, I'm the Plant Vecina and I'm here for speak you of my life.

  1. I was an accident when my parents fucked in a disco.
  2. The afuu's power gave me the plant's form and essence and I was born.
  3. My parents abandoned me when I was baby because I became a salida and I run away like a dog. In this moment, I was 12 years old.
  4. I was a tramp and I walked aimlessly for 32 years.
  5. When I was 44 years old I arribed to Stonehedge and I met another plants. I stayed Stonehedge and I made my home underground.
  6. 15 years later Plantita arribed to Stonehedge and she becames my girl-friend for 6 years. We breaked because her afuu wasn't perfect.
  7. Plantita had Niplanti and I became her godmother. I cared she for 13 years and she feels in love me.
  8. Mariabeja and Gorda came to Stonehedge. They were outcast because they weren't plants and we didn't want to do "a lo planta" with them.
  9. 21 years later, we were acostumated to they and we spoke with them. They proposed to go with Lesbinave around the space. We accepted and Plantita, Niplanti and me went with them.
  10. When were passed 19 years, we met Rocki at Nessie Planet. She join with our and whe surfed the space and visited another cool planets.
  11. 42 years later, we return to Earth but we had an accident and we landed to Himalaya. Then we met Yeti and Rocki and he became boyfriends about 23 years.
  12. Passed this 23 years, we now return Stonehedge after 84 years. The plant residents saluted our and we kissed them.
  13. At the summer, Mariabeja becames pregnant and she has Great. But 5 years later they returned to Honey Bee's Realm Galaxy because Lesbi was alone about 100 years. We said goodbye Mariabeja, Gorda and Great and they gotten away from Stonehedge. We were sad...
  14. And it was the finish, the rest os lo expliqueixing Great.
Y bien, basicamente esta es la supuesta vida de PlantVecina, ¡un hecho que ha recorrido la voz por "el Reino" y queria presentarlos a vosotras, humanas!

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